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Lost your Username or your Password ?

If you lost your username, please enter your E-mail Address, then click the Send Username button, and your username will be sent to your email address.
If you forgot both your username and your password, please recover the username first, then the password. To recover your username, please enter your E-mail Address, leaving Username field empty, then click the Send Username button, and your username will be sent to your email address. From there you can use this same form to recover your password.
If you lost your password but know your username, please enter your Username and your E-mail Address, press the Send Password button, and you will receive a new password shortly. Use this new password to access the site.

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Pour devenir membre de l'association, merci de télécharger le formulaire d'adhésion :

Formulaire d'adhésion à l'association

Lettre d'information Coord21

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